Don’t Take Advice From Anyone Unless You KNOW That They Know What They Are Talking About.

The best advice I’ve ever gotten in the music business came from people who talked the talk, and walked the walk.

The second best advice I received was from the experiences I gained from building my own career; learning from my interactions with the gatekeepers at labels, the media, management, booking, and digital companies as to what was right or wrong for me.

You can tell when you are talking with someone in the music industry whether or not they are full of it or not. Look them in the eye. Listen to how they talk.

Just buy yourself a high quality “bull” detector and make sure you keep the batteries charged.

Trust your intuition. If it ‘goes off’, listen to the inner voice that is detecting deceit or deception. Most of the time your instincts will be right about the advice you seek.

If you feel that the source you have contacted knows what they are talking about, and has had first hand experience doing what you want to learn about, that is the only advice that might stand up over time.


Original Post by Chris Knab

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