The business of getting signed to any deal in the music business has always had, has now, and will always have, the involvement of entertainment law attorneys.

No jokes will be inserted here, because any relationship between a musician, a record label, a publisher, a merchandiser etc. will come down to two attorneys hashing out the contract for the musician and the respective companies. When all is said in done with the ‘courting’ process, the musician is never present during the actual negotiations.

The musician’s attorney and the music company’s attorney meet, talk over the phone, and fax/email their offers and counter-offers amongst themselves.

This fact serves to remind you that choosing a reputable, ethical, well respected attorney with lots of deal-making experience within the music industry is an absolute necessity for any serious musician who wishes to fight the good fight in the legal arena.

You may not need an attorney right now, but you should find out what lawyers are available to you in your area. A good place to start your research is talking to some local bands/musicians, and asking who they use and what their experience with them was like.

Trust only those lawyers that have a reputation of being trustworthy.


Original Post by Chris Knab

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